08 Apr 5 Great Yoga Poses to Build Core Strength
Time to Try New Yoga Poses for Building Core Strength
Yoga is a spiritual practice involving the body and mind that dates back 5,000 years to ancient Indian philosophy. There are various practices of yoga, for all types of students.
It helps combine breathing, posture and muscle building. Yoga is a great way to start de-stressing your life, taking that extra 30 minutes to an hour can make all of the
difference. While many people use yoga to help create balance in their life-pun intended- others use it as a great full body workout. Your core is one of the main
components of yoga. The core supports your posture whilst also protecting your back and spine. By working out your core you also provide strength and stability for your
body throughout your workout. These next five poses are great for building core strength.
- Cosmic Egg Pose: This pose is out of this world! For this exercise, you bring your knees to your chest and hold. You’ll notice your body taking the shape of an egg! This is a perfect pose for quick warm-ups. While holding your knees tightly to your chest, your breathing will steady and you’ll notice your core beginning to put in work. It may seem easy at first but the longer you hold the more burn you’ll notice! If you’d like a little more of a challenge try holding this position while bringing your arms out to your side, keeping them parallel with the floor.
- Boat pose: This is one of the most common yoga poses used for building core strength. With this pose, you’re not only working out the abdominal area, but also your hip flexors! To begin this pose you’ll start in a seated position, bringing your feet straight into the air and toes pointed, while balancing on your tailbone. You’ll really feel the burn as soon as you begin to hold your legs in the air. Yogi’s suggest holding this pose for up to 10 breaths, or until you can no longer hold the proper pose. If this pose is a little too much for you, try bending your legs at the knee so your shins are parallel to the floor and try holding like that!
- Plank Pose: Planking is one of the most common core exercises. This pose not only tones your abdominal area but your back arms and shoulders as well. To begin this pose you’ll start in a tabletop position, then rising to a push-up position. Spreading fingers will help you maintain balance while supporting yourself. Hold this pose for as long as you can without breaking proper form.
- Forearm Plank: This pose is very similar to the prior, except this pose focuses more on your abdominal and your lower back. Instead of rising to a full push-up position, rest on your elbows and hold for as long as you can without falling out of form.
- Three Legged Downward Dog: A variation of one of yoga’s most beloved poses, start in downward dog lifting one leg at a time as high as you can. Feel the core engage during this pose. To make things a little more challenging, try to keep your heel planted firmly on the mat while you stretch to really feel your core and pelvis open up.
Come join us for a class at Hot Yoga Largo and learn more great moves for building core strength. We offer classes and workshops for beginners through advanced students.
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